Are you a brand new pilot looking to get into aviation for the first time? Intrigued by the gyroplane and want to learn more?
We can help guide you through the process of ground school, flight training, and passing your checkride.
We recommend you begin with a Discovery Flight to experience the joy and pleasure of flying a gyroplane.
Are you an already rated pilot looking to transition to gyroplanes, or have experience in another make and model of gyroplane looking to get into Magnis?
Transition training will help you go from airplane, helicopter, weight-shift, glider, para-motor, hang-glider, squirrel suit, or even another gyroplane type to become a safe and proficient rated Magni gyroplane pilot.
This training is for the already rated gyroplane pilot wishing to take the leap into backcountry and unimproved airstrip operations. We’ll help you understand both your limits as well as the gyroplane’s limits to improve both your enjoyment and safety in decision making.
We will tailor the training hours to your background and experience.

Never flown in a gyro?
Start with a Discovery Flight!
Schedule Training
Gulf Shores Alabama
Flight Training Rates
Flight Training in GyroFlight Gyro:
$250 Per Flight Hour
Flight Training in Customer Gyro:
$125 Per Flight Hour
Ground Instruction:
$50 Per Hour
Gift your loved one their first flight training lesson.
Want to schedule a multi-day training block?
Contact us to discuss focused training options.
Gulf Shores, Alabama:
(662) 891-9078
Madison, Wisconsin:
(608) 630-2725

Gyroplane Certificates and Requirements
New Sport Pilot
Eligibility Requirements:
Must be at least 17 years old and English proficient
Possess either a Current Third Class Medical certificate or state drivers license
Training and Testing Requirements:
Minimum Flight Training*: 20 hours (minimum 15 hours dual, minimum 5 hours solo)
Complete a knowledge course with a Flight Instructor or online
Pass a multiple choice FAA Knowledge Exam
Pass a Practical Checkride (Flight Testing and Oral Exam)
*Most new students should plan for 35-45 hours of flight training to be safe and proficient.
New Private Pilot
Eligibility Requirements:
Must be at least 17 years old and English proficient
Possess either a Current Third Class Medical certificate or comply with BasicMed
Training and Testing Requirements:
Minimum Flight Training*: 40 hours (minimum 20 hours dual , minimum 10 hours solo)
Complete a knowledge course with a Flight Instructor or online
Pass a multiple choice FAA Knowledge Exam
Pass a Practical Checkride (Flight Testing and Oral Exam)
*Most new students should plan for 45-70 hours of flight training to be safe and proficient.
Transition to Sport Pilot Gyro from any other Aircraft Rating
Eligibility Requirements:
Hold a Sport Pilot or greater license (Sport, Private, Commercial) in any category
Possess either a Current Third Class Medical certificate or State Drivers License
Training and Testing Requirements:
Minimum Flight Training: no hours minimum, trained until you are proficient*
Knowledge Exam: None
Receive an endorsement from the instructor who trained you
Fly with a second instructor to demonstrate proficiency in order to receive a second endorsement
*While no minimum hours are required, we typically see most students need 15-25 hours to transition to gyro from other classes of aircraft.
Transition to Private Pilot Gyro from Airplane
Eligibility Requirements:
Hold a Private or Commercial airplane rating
Possess either a Current Third Class Medical certificate or comply with BasicMed
Training and Testing Requirements:
Minimum Flight Training*: 30 hours minimum (20 dual, 10 solo)
Knowledge Exam: None
Pass a Practical Checkride (Flight Testing and Oral Exam)
*Most students will need 30-40 hours to transition to gyro from airplane.
Transition to Private Pilot Gyro from Helicopter
Eligibility Requirements:
Hold a Private or Commercial helicopter ratign
Possess either a Current Third Class Medical certificate or comply with BasicMed
Training and Testing Requirements:
Minimum Flight Training: no hours minimum, trained until you are proficient*
Knowledge Exam: None
Pass a Practical Checkride (Flight Testing and Oral Exam)
*While no minimum hours are required, we typically see most students need 15-25 hours to transition to gyro from helicopter.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between a sport pilot and private pilot rating?
In the world of Magni gyroplanes, the only real difference is that a private pilot may fly at night. Night flight is considered as the time between one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. If you wish to fly at night, a private pilot rating is a must. Most gyro pilots, however, start with a sport rating and add the private rating later.
Do all Magni models qualify for either sport or private pilot ratings?
Yes, all models qualify for a pilot with either a sport pilot or private pilot rating.
How many hours will it take to get my license?
This all depends on where you are starting from. Since safety and proficiency are non-negotiables with our training model, we will commit to training you until you are safe and proficient. It is nearly impossible to put a number on this and we don’t want to box you in. Everyone wants to do it “as fast as possible” - and we agree, but fast should never take primacy over safe. We assume you and your loved ones would want nothing less anyway.
That said, if you have 0 hours and are starting out as a brand new student pilot, you will need 20 hours minimum to become a sport pilot and 40 hours to become a private pilot. As a healthy buffer, we suggest budgeting 50% more hours than the minimum to set your own expectations clearly. We hope we are surprised with your fast learning skills!
Other pilots transitioning over from airplane, helicopter, glider, or ultralights will usually need a minimum of 15-25 hours.
Can I train in my own gyroplane?
Yes! If you own a Magni M24, M16 or M26 gyroplane, you can be trained in your own gyro, and we encourage it.
Can I bring my significant other or a friend to get a Discovery Flight in the gyroplane?
Yes, this is highly encouraged. If you are considering buying a gyro or getting trained in one, bring a friend, spouse or significant other along - once they see how amazing these machines are, you both will fall in love with the experience!
I am a rated airplane or helicopter pilot - how similar is a gyroplane to either of these?
Gyros share enough similarities with both a helicopter and an airplane that you will want to fly them like you fly what you are used to. The good news is that much of the skills you have learned are transferable. What is unique to gyros, we will train you to master. Magni gyros are designed to be inherently safe and easy to fly. While they are fun and versatile, thorough training is required to help you operate one as such.
Can a gyroplane stall like my airplane?
No. The beauty of physics coupled with the rotor’s airfoil design and teetering rotorhead is that the rotor will auto-rotate and speed up or slow down to generate the lift required. You can be a zero forward airspeed, and the rotor will simply continue to rotate. You will descend vertically, but you won’t be stalling. This is one of the key factors that distinguishes their safety compared to an airplane.
Does a gyroplane’s rotor pitch have to managed like in a helicopter?
No. A gyroplane rotor is “fixed” in its pitch angle. There is no “Collective” to adjust the rotor blade angle like there is in a helicopter. The rotor is also not being powered by an engine like in a helicopter. Because of this, a gyroplane cannot take off or land vertically. However, also because of this, a gyroplane’s rotor is in constant autorotation - an amazing safety feature. This means that if a gyroplane loses engine power, this is really a non-event; the rotor keeps spinning without a pilot needing to intervene. In a helicopter, the pilot would have mere seconds to adjust the collective to enable autorotation.